1601006094 LONG CASE


1601006094( LONG CASE)

This  is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.


A 55 Year Old Male Resident of Miryalaguda, toddy climber by occupation came to the hospital with 

Chief complaints: 

Pain abdomen since 14 days 

Fever since 10 days

History of present illness:

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 14 days back. Then he developed severe pain in the Right Upper Quadrant which was sudden in onset, gradually progressive, dragging type and non-radiating in nature.  Relieved by medications. Not associated with nausea, vomiting, loose stools. 

Later he developed fever since 10 days which was high grade, continuous and not associated with cold, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, burning micturition.

Past History:

Patient was admitted in the Hospital for 3 days with similar complaints and was given IV antibiotics for 3 days.

There is no history of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Asthma, Epilepsy.

Treatment History: 

3 day high dose antibiotics course given 14 days back.

Personal History:

            Sleep                    :    adequate

            Diet                       :    mixed

            Appetite                 :    decreased since 1 week

            Bowel& Bladder    :    regular

            Addictions              :    toddy consumption 1L/day since 35 years

                                                 tobacco in the form of beedi 10 per day since 30 years

Family History:

There is no relevant family history.

General Physical Examination:

Consent has been taken from the patient for examination.

The patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative, sitting comfortable on the bed.

He is well oriented to time, place, person.

He is moderately built and moderately nourished.


Temperature: He is now afebrile.

Fever Chart:                

Pulse76 beats per minute, regular, normal in volume and character. There is no radio radial or radio femoral delay.

Blood Pressure:110/80 mm of Hg.

Respiratory rate: 16 cycles per min.

JVP: Normal

No pallor

Mild icterus is seen on sclera

pedal edema is noticed- pitting type, extent upto knees.


There is no clubbing, cyanosis, generalised lymphadenopathy

spo2: 96% on room air

Respiratory rate: 16 cpm

Abdominal Examination:


Shape of Abdomen: Flat(slightly  scaphoid)



Umbilicus: normal

No visible peristalsis

All quadrants are moving equally on respiration


No local rise of temperature

Tenderness in the right hypochondriac region.

Hepatomegaly present 

spleen not palpable.


Liver span is 15 cm


Bowel sounds heard


Elliptical and bilaterally symmetrical chest.

Both sides moving equally with respiration.

Dull note heard on percussion in right infraaxillary and infrascapular areas.

bilateral air entry present.

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.

Decreased breath soumds  in right infraaxillary and infrascapular areas.

Vocal resonance decreased in right infraaxillary and infrascapular areas.


S1 and S2 heart sounds heard.

no murmurs






Bacterial Culture                                

Chest X-Ray



Treatment Received




Provisional Diagnosis: Liver abcess

Anatomical location of the problem:  Liver
Etiological diagnosis: Infection
Based on USG: Liver abcess


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