1601006037 SHORT CASE


Short case

14yr old male who is a student resident of Nalgonda came with chief complaints of -
1)Fever since 8days
2)Cough since 8days
3)Shortness of breath since 8days

History of present illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 days back then 
- He developed fever,insidious in onset, continuous,low grade associated with chills and rigor and relieved on medication
- History of cough which was insidious in onset ,not associated with expectoration and no aggravated and relieving factors.
- History of shortness of breath,which is insidious in onset,progressed from grade1 to grade 2 (MMRC),aggravated on exertion and relieved on sitting position.


Inspection :

-Trachea central
-Expansion of chest decreased on left side


-Trachea central in position
-Expansion of chest decreased on left side
-Vocal fremitus  diminished in Interscapular , infrascapular ,infraaxillary on left side.

Percussion :

-Dull note on left Interscapular , infrascapular , infraaxillary area on left side.


- diminished breath sounds on left side

- diminished vocal resonance in left infrascapular area, infraaxillary area and Interscapular area

Investigations :
Chest X ray

Provisional diagnosis:
 Left sided pleural effusion


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