1601006162 SHORT CASE



This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment.


A 53yrs old male patient farmer by occupation hailing from Nakrekal came with the chief complaints of Shortness of breath since 4 months and pedal edema of left leg since 4 months

History of present illness

Patient was asymptomatic 4 months back then he had a minor trauma to the left leg after which he developed swelling and pain around the foot which gradually increased up to the leg for which he visited a local RMP there incision and drainage of swelling was done and he was admitted for 15 days. But the swelling of the leg was not completely treated 

After few days from this incident he developed distension of abdomen, shortness of breath which is present at rest (grade 4) and he also developed jaundice for which he visited a hospital in Hyderabad there he was diagnosed with liver disease. He was treated for one month in the hospital and all his symptoms were relieved 

After 1 month after relief from symptoms he drank alcohol after which he developed shortness of breath and distension of abdomen for which he was treated again and medication were given

At present he has shortness of breath of grade 3 and swelling of left leg 

No history of chest pain 

No history of palpitations 

No history of orthopnea and PND

No history of cough

Past history 

He was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus 3months back and is under medication 

Not a known case of hypertension, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis 

Personal history 

Diet: mixed

Appetite: normal 

Sleep :adequate 

Bowel and bladder movements: regular 

He is an alcoholic since 30years.

Family history 

No history of similar complaints in family 

No history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, bronchial asthma

General examination

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative moderately built and moderately nourishment 


Temperature: Afebrile

Pulse: 80bpm regular, normal in volume and character. There is no radio-radial or radio-femoral delay.

Respiratory rate: 20cpm

BP: 110/70mmHg in left arm in sitting position

Icterus is present

Pallor is absent

Clubbing :absent

Cyanosis: absent

Koilonychia: absent

Edema: present in left leg

On inspection of left leg 

Left leg has swelling with discharge

Abdomen examination


Abdomen is distended

Umbilicus is central

All quadrants are moving with respiration

No sinus and engorged veins 


No local rise of temperatures and tenderness 

Hepatomegaly is present 

Splenomegaly is present


Fluid thrill and shifting dullness is absent


Bowel sounds are heard

CVS Examination


Chest wall appear symmetrical

Trachea appears to be in midline

No scars, sinuses, engorged veins


Trachea midline

No carotid thrill

Apex beat: 5th intercostal space in midclavicular line

No epigastric pulsations

No tenderness


S1 heard

S2 heard

Respiratory System


Trachea appears to be central

Elliptical and bilaterally symmetrical chest


Trachea is central in position

Both sides move equally with respiration

No tenderness


Resonant note heard in all areas


Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

Bilateral air entry is present


Complete Blood Picture

Liver function test

Ultrasound Abdomen

Blood Sugars

Provisional diagnosis 

Since patient has shortness of breath, jaundice, abdominal distension and hepatosplenomegaly my anatomical diagnosis is liver

After performing investigations diagnosis is confirmed as chronic liver disease with portal hypertension 

Left lower limb cellulitis.


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