1601006157 LONG CASE



A 65 year old female from Alingapuram Came to opd 25 days back with complaints of fever & swelling in bilateral lower limbs since 1 week and Shortnessof breath since 4 days

History of present illness:

 The patient was apparently asymptomatic 25 days ago then she developed:

SOB ( shortness of breath )-  while sitting and was insidious in onset, gradually progressive ( Grade IV )

Swelling in the legs- started  bilaterally in the feet and gradually progressed upto mid calf level ( Grade 2 ) associated with cough.

Associated with fever which is of low grade and continuous type 

No h/o chest pain , palpitations, decreased urine output , blood in urine, burning micturition.

Past History: 

No history of similar complaints in the past.

Patient is a known case of Hypertension since 2 years for which she took medication irregularly. 

Not a known case of Diabetes Mellitus, Asthma, TB, Epilepsy 

H/o b/l knee pain since 1 year for which she was prescribed pain killers ( mostly NSAIDS )

No significant surgical history.

Family History: Not significant 

Personal History:

Diet: Mixed 

Appetite : Decreased 

Sleep: Reduced

Bowel and Bladder: regular  

Addictions: none

Drug History: No known drug allergies.

General Examination

The conscious, coherent, not co operative.

Moderately built, moderately nourished.

Pallor- present 

Edema- pitting type edema

(grade II ) involving both  feet and legs upto mid calf.

Icterus- absent 

Cyanosis : absent

Clubbing : absent 

Koilonychia: absent 

Lymphadenopathy: absent


Temperature: afebrile 

Pulse Rate: 82 beats/min

Blood pressure: 130/ 80 mm hg 

Respiratory Rate: 20 cycles/min

Spo2: 98%

Systemic examination:

Respiratory System:

Shape of chest - normal

Inspection of upper respiratory system- 

oral cavity- normal

Nose- normal 

Pharynx- normal 

Lower Respiratory Tract:


trachea: central 

Symmetry of chest  : symmetrical 

Movement: B/L symmetrical expansion of chest respiration


No scars, engorged veins or sinuses.


All inspectory findings are confirmed by palpation.

Trachea: central - confirmed by  three finger test.

Assessment of anterior and posterior chest expansion- B/L symmetrical expansion of chest.

No chest wall tenderness 

Vocal fremitus- decreased in inframammary , infra axillary and infra scapular

Percussion : done in sitting position 


Right  Left

Supraclavicular Resonant  Resonant

Infraclacicular Resonant   Resonant 

Mammary Resonant  Resonant 

Inframammary.  stony dull   stony dull

Axillary.           Resonant  Resonant 

Infraaxillary  stony dull stony dull 

Supra scapular  Resonant  Resonant 

Interscapular Resonant  Resonant 

Infrascapular stony dull  stony dull


Right            Left

Supraclavicular NVBS NVBS

Infraclacicular  NVBS NVBS


Inframammary diminished diminished

Axillary NVBS NVBS 

Infraaxillary diminished.  Diminished

Supra scapular  NVBS NVBS 

Interscapular  NVBS NVBS

Infrascapular diminished diminished

Vocal resonance - markedly diminished over the fluid area 

Basal crackles are present.

 Cardiovascular System :

Inspection :

  • No scars sinuses and engorged veins
  • No visible pulsations


  • apical impulse : palpable in fifth inter coastal space 


S1 and S2 heard 

No murmurs 



  • shape elliptical 
  • Quadrants of abdomen moving in accordance with respiration.
  • Umbilicus- central and inverted
  • No scars sinuses or engorged veins 


No tenderness 

No organomegaly




Normal bowel sounds heard


Higher mental functions-normal 

Cranial nerves- intact

Sensory system- normal

Motor system- normal 

Cerebellar signs- absent and meningeal signs are absent



1.Complete blood picture

Hb 6.2 g/dl


2.Complete Urine examination 

albumin +2


3.Liver function Tests


4.RBS  -82 mg/dl


5.Renal function Tests

Raised urea- 94 mg/dl

Raised creatinine- 6.3 mg/dl

Raised uric acid - 9.9 mg/dl




  • few subcentrimetric anechoic cyst in b/l kidneys 

  • Rt kidney- CMD lost. Grade III RPD
  • Lt kidney- CMD partially maintained. Grade II RPD


Interpretation of ecg : 

Rate - 100b/min

Normal sinus rhythm

Normal axis

P-wave ,qrs complex , t wave , pr interval ,st segment all  appears to be normal.

Provisional Diagnosis: Renal failure with bilateral pleural effusion

Treatment History:

Inj piptaz 2.25 g iv TID

TAB Lasix 40 mg PO/ BD

TAB Nodosis 500 mg PO/BD

TAB Orofer  XT PO/OD

TAB Shelcal CT PO/OD

Inj  Erythropoietin 4000 IU SC- twice weekly 

Salt and fluid Charting 

Vitals monitor and strict input/output charting.


Patient underwent 6 sessions of dialysis since admission


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