1601006147 LONG CASE

1601006147 LONG CASE

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here, we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based 

Naga Vamsi

Hall ticket no 1601006147

Date 24 April 2021

A 65 year old female patient resident of mirlayaguda home resident present to the opd with

chief complaints of:

Vomiting 4 days back and malaise

History of present illness 

Patient was apparently a symptomatic 4 days ago before the episode of vomiting then had vomiting which was not blood stained not associated with pain and bilious in nature 

The episode was later followed by lack of appetite and patient stopped diabetic medication(insulin)

Past history 

The patient is know case do diabetes mellitus diagnosed 14 years back on insulin 

The patient was diagnosed with hypertension 1 year back

She was previously diagnosed to have kidney disease

No history of tb asthma heart disease epilepsy

No relevant surgical history

No significant family history

Personal history

Decreased appetite 

Mixed diet

Bowel and bladder movements irregular 

Patient has oliguria

No smoking or alcohol

General examination 

Patient was conscious coherent and cooperative moderately built and nourished

Pallor is present 

No jaundice no cyanosis no clubbing no pedal Edema h/o occasional facial puffiness which resolves spontaneously no lymphadenopathy 


Pulse checked in supine position left radial pulse pulse rate is 80 regularly regular

Bp 130\80 mm Hg measured in supine position on left arm

Respiratory rate 18 cycles per minute


The patient examined in supine position in well lighted and ventilated room after taking consent

The patient abdomen inspected no abdomen distension or fullness skin was normal no distended veins

On palpating no tenderness rigidity or guarding no local rise of temperature or any swellings

Percussion for organomegaly was done and auscultation for bowel was done

Cvs examination 

S1 and s2 was heard

No murmurs no palpable thrills

Cns examination 

Conscious and alert 

Normal speech

Glasgow coma scale normal

Respiratory examination 

Shape is normal

Symmetrical chest 

Movement of chest normal respiratory rate 18 cpm equal movement on both side

No involvement of aces out muscles no inter coastal retraction

No scar no sinuses or distended veins no deformity of spine no visible apical impulse


No rise in temperature on palpation

Inspectors findings confirmed

Trial sign negative Trachea central

Apex beat felt in 5 the intercostal space lateral to midclavicular line percussion is resonant normal vesicular breath sounds




⁃ Abg 

⁃ RFT 


⁃ PT


⁃ Blood sug ar 


⁃ ESR  

⁃ Serum pottasium 

⁃ Blood culture 

⁃ Chest x ray 

⁃ Ecg 

⁃ Ultrasound abdomen 

⁃ Hrct

 DIAGNOSIS : chronic renal failure or acute exacerbation of chronic renal failure


⁃ Salt and fluid restriction 

        Salt - < 2 g/ day 

        Fluid - < 1 lt / day 

⁃ Injection  iv LASIX 40mg BD 

⁃ Tab NODOSIS  500mg bd 

⁃ Tab SHELCAL 500mg od

⁃ Input and output charting 

⁃ Bp  pulse  spo2 charting 


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