1601006076 LONG CASE


1601006076 - long case

"This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent." 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. 


61 year old male came to the opd with Chief complaints of pain in abdomen  since 7 days
Fever since 2 days

History of presenting illness:

•Patient was apparently asympomatic 7 days back and then he developed abdominal pain in the epigastrium ,which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive, dragging type and not associated with vomiting

•Patient has fever since 5  days which is low grade , not associated with chills and rigors, relieved by medication.
• associated with shortness of breath
• yellowish discolouration of eyes and skin since 3 months.

•No h/o vomiting, loose stools, palpitations,
And decreased urine output.

Past history:

•Similar complaint in the past 2 year back ,had pain in abdomen for which he was admitted in the hospital and got aspiration of fluid from the liver which was green in colour.

• Not a known case of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy

Family history :    not relevant

Drug history:
Took medications for pain 2 years back

Personal history:

Takes mixed diet 
Sleep adequate
Appetite decreased
Bowel and bladder movements are regular.

Patient is chronic alcoholic, takes 90 ml of whisky per day since 30 years

Smokes 20 beedies per day since 30 years.

General examination:

Patient is conscious , coherent and cooperative and oriented to place, time and person

Moderately built and moderately nourished

Icterus - present 

Edema - bipedal edema , pitting type present up to ankles

No pallor, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy 
Temperature: febrile 
BP : 120/80mmhg
RR:26 cpm
PR: 92bpm,regular rhythm , normal volume and charecter

Abdominal examination:
Shape of the abdomen - distended 

Umbilicus slightly everted
No engorged veins
Hernial orfices are free
No scars 

Abdomen skin is smooth and shiny
-All the quadrants are equally moving with respiration
-No venous prominence when examined both on sitting and standing position.
-No scars ,ulcers ,visible pulsations.
- No Scratch marks on the abdomen.
-No hernial swellings with and without cough impulse

• Posterior abdominal wall,
No scars , swellings, pulsations

On palpation,

Superficial palpation ,
- Localised tenderness in the right hypochondrium
- elastic consistency
- No rise in temperature,guarding and rigidity,thrills 
Deep palpation,
-  Liver is  tender ,smooth ,firm , regular margin,moving with respiration ,not able to insuate finger under the costal margin 
- Spleen , kidneys , urinary bladder are not palable
-Abdominal girth is 84 cms

On Percussion,
 Liver span -16cm
No shifting dullness,fluid thrill
On auscultation,
Bowel sounds are heard 
No venous hum,bruit, friction rub.

Upper respiratory tract examination -
Nose: No deviated nasal septum, No nasal polyps
Pharynx : no post nasal drip , congestion
•Shape of Chest is  Normal, Elliptical
•B/L Symmetrical
•Trachea appears to be Central (Trails sign -ve)
•Movements of chest equal on the both sides
•No Visible Pulsations, Swellings, Engroged Veins, Scars & Sinuses
•No signs of use of accessory muscles of respiration.

- No local rise of temperature
- Trachea Central
- Respiratory movements are normal
- Chest Expansion 5cm (from 80-85cm)
- Transverse diameter 29cm
 -AP diameter 24cm
- Vocal fermitus Decreased on Right side lower region
- Apex beat is palpable in 5th intercoastal space ,1.25 cms medial to mid clavicular line
- No palpable lymph Nodes

•Direct : resonant over clavicular, sternum.
•Indirect :
  *Anterior.              Right.                 Left.
Supraclavicular:    Resonant.       Resonant   Infraclavicular:      Resonant.      Resonant
-Stony dull note on the right seventh intercostal space
-Resonant note in second to sixth right intercostal space
-Resonant note from second to sixth left intercostal space
*Lateral chest wall
Dull note in right InfraAxillary region

Posterior:.             Right.      Left.
Suprascapular. Resonant .Resonant
Interscapular.    Resonant  resonant
Infrascapular.    Dull.         . Resonant


                                       Right.         Left
•Supraclavicular.        Normal.    Normal
• Infraclavicular.         Normal.    Normal
• Mammary                 Normal.    Normal
•InfraMammary.      Decreased.   Normal
• InfraAxillary.          Decreased.   Normal
• suprascapular.       Normal.        Normal
• Infra Scapular.       Decreased     Normal
• Interscapular.         Normal.       Normal

Normal S1 S2 heard
No murmurs
Apex beat felt on 5th intercostal space

No focal deficits seen



✓Diagnostic aspiration of liver: revealed pus  sent for culture and sensitivity

✓Aspiration of peritoneal fluid: revealed clear watery fluid 

Rate : 100bpm
 Low voltage QRS complexes in L2 , AvF , V1
P waves T waves not visible in AvL
Left axis deviation

✓ HBsAg antigen



✓ dengue IgM positive

✓ chest x Ray

✓abdomen x Ray:

✓ ultrasound: 
- multiple well defined heterogeneous lesions distributed in both the lobes of liver with poor liquifaction.
- mild ascites.

Provisional diagnosis: 
multiple liver abscess with right sided pleural effusion

2.Inj.metrogyl 750mg I.V TID
3.Inj .pantop 40mg I.V,twice daily
4.Tab.Lasix 40 mg orally once daily
5 Tab.doxycycline 100mg oral twice daily
6.Tab.Linezoid 600mg per orally twice daily
7.Syrup lactulose 15 ml orally twice daily
8 Inj Vit.K 1 ampoule in 20ml .Normal saline I.V once daily


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