1601006047 SHORT CASE

 HALL TICKET :1601006047

A 61 year old male came to OPD with chief complaints of pain in abdomen since 10 days , distension of abdomen since 10 days , fever since 2 days. 

 History of presenting illness: 

Pain is diffuse, progressive, dragging type  and is relieved by sleeping sideways. 

 abdominal distension associated with edema of legs(pitting type)

fever since 2 days low grade continuous associated with chills and rigor.

 General examination : 

 Presence of icterus 

 Presence of pedal edema 

Abdominal Examination : 


Abdomen is symmetrically distended with full flanks 

Umbilicus is everted with slight horizontal slit 

 Abdominal girth is 84cms



Superficial palpation: Localised tenderness in the right hypochondrium

Deep palpation: liver is tender, smooth,firm,regular margins, moving with respiration , not able to insuate fingers under the coastal margin.

Percussion : 

Liver span:16 cms 

No shifting dullness


1. Complete blood picture


Provisional diagnosis: Multiple liver abscess


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