1601006030 LONG CASE



This is an online E log book to discuss patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.


  A 23 year old lady,Psychologist by Occupation, resident of Nalgonda Came to the OPD with

Chief complaints of - Multiple small Painful red colored skin eruptions over the upper and lower limbs and back of the trunk since 8 months

History of presenting illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 8 months ago and  then she developed multiple small red Palpable eruptions on both lower limbs which were not associated with Burning or itching sensation . After 1 week She developed Occasional Burning over the lesions. She consulted a local dermatologist where she was prescribed antihistamines and was asked to avoid oily foods and vit. C and the lesions didn't subside. So she was referred to another Hospital where she was diagnosed with HENOCH SCHONLEIN PURPURA 

Investigations done were  - CUE, ASO TITRE, ESR, RFT, Serum Bilirubin which were normal. 

Diascopy showed Non blanchable palpable erythematous Purpura 

Medications - 

  • Antihistaminics[Tab. TECZINE 5 mg]  
  • Calosoft lotion
  • Halovate lotion

After 1 week new purpuric lesion started to develop Over the thighs 

Investigations : Serum Creatinine and Uric acid were normal


  • PANTOP 40 Mg

After 2 Weeks she had history of travel for 3 days during which she developed 

painful Soles

On the next day She presented with increased number of purpuric lesions over both the legs and hands and back of the trunk associated with pain, itching and Burning Sensation 

H/o Joint pains initially in the left wrist later Progressed to left elbow

 She had Pedal edema and Pain in the lower limb

Investigations - 

Haemogram showed normochromic normocytic Blood Picture with Neutrophilic leucocytosis 

Medications - Tab. ZERODOL and Tab. SHELCAL 

After a week She presented with Weight gain of 5kgs in a week and Facial Puffiness. On Examination, Striae were Seen on legs and thighs and few purpura located Over thighs, legs and dorsum of Hand

 Advised to Consider using immunosuppressants and taper steroids.

Steroid dose was reduced from 20 mg to 15 mg 

Tab. METHOTREXATE 2.5 mg test dose was given 

 Tab.FOLIC ACID 5mg on a day other than Methotrexate

After 10 days She complained abdominal pain which improved by next morning and Methotrexate dose was increased to 7.5 mg and FUDIC CREAM Was prescribed

 On follow up after a week She was found to tolerate the dose of Methotrexate well with reduction in number of new lesions and the above drugs were continued with addition of MOISTUREX Soft cream

 4 days later improvement was Seen with mild pain on both the soles (reduced in intensity) 

  • Methotrexate dose was increased to 10 mg
  • folic acid on the day other than Methotrexate
  • Tab. MVT

on follow up after a week Improvement was seen with a Cummulative dose of 30 mg and She Complained of mild itching and Burning Sensation over pubic region

On Examination Single Hyperpigmented plaque noted over Pubic area which aggravated on Using Sanitary Napkins and was prescribed LULIFIN cream  

4 days later improvement was Seen with Cumulative dose of Methotrexate 50 mg and following drugs were Prescribed

  • LIVOGEN on day other than Methotrexate
  • Methotrexate12.5 mg
  • ABZORB Dusting Powder

2 Weeks later improvement was seen 

Cumulative dose of Methotrexate75 mg and the above medications were continued and 1 week later She Complained of Nausea, loss of appetite and Insomnia and she was Prescribed Tab. Amitriptyline 5 mg 

2 weeks later She Showed Painful skin lesions on both palms and Soles with Cumulative dose of Methotrexate 125 mg 


  • METHOTREXATE 12.5 mg
  • VENUSIA Soft lotion on itchy lesions
  • NMFE lotion over stretch marks and all over the body
  •  Tab. LIVOGEN on day other than Methotrexate

2 Weeks later She presented with new lesions over Palms associated with itching  (Cumulative dose of Methotrexate 150 mg) and Tab. TECZINE 10 mg and Tab. PANTOP-D were prescribed

 20 days later She presented with new lesions Over Palms and soles and between the Web Spaces Since 1 week and painful Soles while walking especially early in the morning 

On examination Multiple erythematous pinpoint Sized Papules noted all over the palms,Web Spaces and both Soles ( Cumulative dose of Methotrexate 170 mg )


  • Methotrexate dose reduced to 5 mg Once weekly for 2 Weeks and then 2.5 mg Weekly once for1 week
  • NOMATE Cream on alternate days over the lesions
  • Liquid PARAFFIN

10 days later She complained of appearance of new lesions and was advised to Stop all medications and report to OPD for Skin biopsy and was prescribed Tab.DEFZA 12 mg and Tab. TECZINE 5 mg (for pain)

- 2 weeks later, Biopsy was done and Histopathological report showed Neutrophilic Leucocytoclastic Vasculitis and was advised to check G6PD levels and was prescribed Tab. DAPSONE 50mg 

20 days later She presented with Itchy purpura Over both feet 

Medications given were

  • Tab.TAXIM-O 100 mg 
  • Tab. ASCARZIN 
  • Tab. EVION 400 mg
  • Tab. DAPSONE 50 mg
  • ATARAX anti itch lotion

15 days later She complained of new lesions

Investigations -

  • Haemogram [ Hb-11.6 g /dl, PCV-33.7 vol% , RBC-3.7 mil/mm³]
  • Peripheral Smear [normochromic normocytic RBC with WBC in normal limits]
  • D-Dimer [elevated]
  •  Prothrombin time[14 sec]
  • APTT [28 sec]

No H/o hematuria,hematemesis and epistaxis

 Past history -

No History of similar complaints in the past, she is not a k/c/o diabetes mellitus, hypertension, epilepsy, tuberculosis, asthma.

Family history -

No similar complaints in the family 

 Personal history -

 Mixed diet 

Normal appetite

Adequate sleep

Bowel and bladder movements- regular 

No addictions and No known drug allergies 

General physical Examination

Patient is conscious, coherent,cooperative and moderately built and moderately nourished 


→ patient is afebrile

→ BP-110/80 mm Hg

→ PR-70 bpm

→ RR-16 Cpm

✓SpO2- 98%

✓GRBS - 122gm/dl

→ NO Pallor, Icterus, Cyanosis, clubbing, Odema, lymphadenopathy.

Local Examination - 

RED erythematous lesions Over Hands, legs, Palms and Soles including Web Spaces

CNS Examination

  • Higher mental functions-normal 
  • Cranial nerves- intact
  • Sensory system- normal
  • Motor system- normal 
  • Meningeal signs- absent 
  • Cerebellar signs- absent

CVS Examination

S1 and S2 heard , No murmurs heard

Respiratory system examination

Normal Vesicular Breath sounds heard

No added sounds

Abdominal examination


Shape : elliptical 

Umbilicus - central and inverted

No scars , sinuses or engorged veins 

Palpation:No tenderness , No organomegaly

Percussion: Tympanic

Auscultation: Normal 

Investigations reports:



Patient is on medications

  • Tab. Dapsone 100mg
  • Syrup orofer 5ml
  • Tab. Shelcal


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